In this essay I will be looking at and exploring the use of and implementation of grids and grid systems. I will be conducting a review on sites that both use and do not use grids to explore the reasoning behind their use in the sites but to also enable me to reach a decision on whether to implement these in my designs and specifically to the deliverables in this project.
Grids have traditionally been used in the print and publishing sector. They were used in order to provide prominence of information in a structure that is easy to follow and “easy on the eye”. Over the past decade web developers and web designers have begun to incorporate these design rules to structure and order the data and content on the sites that are being created.
The grid systems works around the principles of the "Golden Mean" and "Golden Ratio".
The Golden Mean in Philosophy “Desirable middle between two extremes one of excess and the other of deficiency…” and the Golden Ratio “The ratio of the sum of the quantities to the longer quantity is equal to the ratio or the larger quality to the smaller one." Wikipedia. The golden mean/ratio is calculated at 1.61803398875 and has been used over centuries in architecture to create noteworthy buildings. To illustrate this description further I want to make reference to the Parthenon in addition to the cathedral of Notre Dame.
As can be seen in the image above the Parthenon uses the ratio of 1.618, the overlay grid takes the structure and divides itsself down in to smaller areas of importance, and within each of these further detail is added to the structure. This golden ratio is not only found in architecture but also in nature.
The nautilus shell is a classic example of the golden ratio, golden mean and Fibonacci sequence in nature. The shell its self as seen in the image above uses the Fibonacci sequence which follows the sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34... which if presented on a page will display the following grid, if a continual curved line is drawn from corner to corner of each individual box the spiral will be similar if not identical to that of the nautilus shell.
The "golden ratio", "golden mean", Fibonacci sequence is used in print and typography in the structure of text and position of paragraphs on a page. Josef Muller Brockmann illerstrates in his book Grid systems in Graphic Design this very clearly.
Other objects that use this golden ratio/sequence is the well-known global brand of Apple. Apple have used this ratio for a number of years with great results in the products that they have produced, namely the iPod.
Coursestuff Web Desgin Lesson 1
If we look back at the early years of web development, our pages were static pages of long lengths of text. Over the last decade techniques and tools used to present content have changed dramatically. Web pages became more dynamic and enabled users to use nested tables to create navigation triggers that would load a different webpage in to a frameset. The use of tables and framesets to order content was very cumbersome, resulting in the creation of a number of webpages that would be loaded in to a browser at the same time, thus making it slower and causing a number of problems. As mentioned earlier the wheels of development meant that new methods and techniques would be fast appearing. One of the most revolutionary developments was the evolution of CSS, this enabled the developers to create content that was not a million miles away from the designer's ideas. With these technology changes the way that users review and navigate around webpages and websites has also improved and progressed. Users no longer use bulky CRT monitors whose native resolutions were 800x600 pixels they use flat screen monitors that are able to use a screen resolution more suited to 1024x768 and because of this developers now tend to set their page widths to 960 pixels. This pixel dimension is ideal to enable the creation of visually pleasing sites as 960 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 30, 32, 40, 48, 60, 64, 80, 96, 120, 160, 192, 240, 320 and 480.
The structure and layout of grids is all dependant on the content that is intended on being displayed. Jose Caballer from suggests that there are a number of areas that must be considered in the selection and use of grids. He suggests that you should look at what the "Goal" of the site is, whether it is a Holding Page, Signup Page, and the Content that is found within these. I agree with this consideration in the use and implementation of grids and grid systems within a web project as grids can enable the data and content to flow efficiently and allow for additional importance and emphasis to be attached to the section or sections.
When using grids and grid systems we must review the overall appeal and preformance of the page and the content contained within it. As mentioned previously the purpose of the page is as important as the content. Using the examples mentioned earlier sign-up and holding pages extra emphasis can be applied to some aspects of data by using additional spacing and in some cases the use of white space. Classic examples of effective use of white space to add emphasis and importance would be Google, this is in part links to Ockham's Razor where less is more.
The impact that the visual balance of a page can have an impact on to the status and image of the client, in this i refer to unordered placement of site content and also how this flows through the site. The misplacement of content and images on a webpage can result in the misinterpretation of the sites intentions in addition to the initial impression that any potential visitor to the site.
In this section of the report i will be reviewing a number of pages that use grid systems and visual balance of content affects understanding and the interpretation of the content. Craig Grannell makes reference to the use of grids in web design and development as a way to remove developers from"..arbitrarily picking column sizes.." throught the use and implimentation of grids in development it would "..create a common visual language throughout an entire Web site.."
Over the "span" of this project it has become increasingly obvious of the benefits of implementing the grid system in our web design projects, however i have found that during the creation of this page using the Twitter bootstrap and also the creation of another using the 960 grid that there are limitations in its use. Firstly to review the 960 grid i found that this system allowed for a rapid creation of an outline skeleton of a page on the fly, however on further investigations and experimentation. I was unable to make this page responsive using the "out of the box" option. After extending my research the site has a Javascript js file that if included will support this reponsivity. However during the research i found a number of links to the twitter bootstrap site and the pre created code snippets tempted me in to creating a copy of the page using this grid system. Initially i found that this system had a few differences to that of the 960, such as the
- <div class="span2 offset10">
- <a href="#" class="thumbnail">
- <img data-src="holder.js/300x200" alt="">
- </a>
- <p>
- </p>
- </div>
instead of the
- <div class="grid_2 prefix_2">
- <a href="#" class="thumbnail">
- <img data-src="holder.js/300x200" alt="">
- </a>
- <p>
- </p>
- </div>
and the subtle difference to miss a set of columns using ofset2 in twitter, prefix_2 in 960.
I have found through the creation and development of this page using the twitter bootstrap and my previous attempt on the 960 framework that my opinion of the grid system has been changing with the weather, in some instances the ability to in some cases rapidly deploy a set framework of a page is fantastic and this should not be sneared at. However the knock on efects of some instances of spans can result in a site looking great in one browser resolution and then compleatly falling to pieces on others when resize can be time consuming (talking from the experiance of this project). The more that i personal familarise my self on a specific frame work i find that i can see the wood for the tree's and see errors and issues. I would recommend the use and implimentation of grids to all, but, with a word of warning. select one and work with solely that until you are able to say that you have a full grasp of it, as in my experiance you can start to juggle class names and id's.
I would like to acknowledge a number of people that i have read excepts from books and journal that i feel are note worthy and helped me formulate my conclusions.