A dedicated association was created for Willfred Owen to comemorate his life and acomplishments. The web site www.wilfredowen.org.uk covers a number of important areas relating to the life and death of Owen and also events after his death that made him a well known author of war peotry.

The original page that Own wrote can be seen in the british liburary or use the following link to see a digital copy of the original. Click here to see the script

Understanding the Poem

"DULCE ET DECORUM EST" - the first words of a Latin saying (taken from an ode by Horace). The words were widely understood and often quoted at the start of the First World War. They mean "It is sweet and right." The full saying ends the poem: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori - it is sweet and right to die for your country. In other words, it is a wonderful and great honour to fight and die for your country.

"Flares" - rockets which were sent up to burn with a brilliant glare to light up men and other targets in the area between the front lines (See illustration, page 118 of Out in the Dark.)

"Distant rest" - a camp away from the front line where exhausted soldiers might rest for a few days, or longer

"Hoots" - the noise made by the shells rushing through the air

"Outstripped" - outpaced, the soldiers have struggled beyond the reach of these shells which are now falling behind them as they struggle away from the scene of battle

"Five-Nines" - 5.9 calibre explosive shells

"Gas! - poison gas" From the symptoms it would appear to be chlorine or phosgene gas. The filling of the lungs with fluid had the same effects as when a person drowned

"Helmets" - the early name for gas masks

"Lime" - a white chalky substance which can burn live tissue

"Panes" - the glass in the eyepieces of the gas masks

"Guttering" - Owen probably meant flickering out like a candle or gurgling like water draining down a gutter, referring to the sounds in the throat of the choking man, or it might be a sound partly like stuttering and partly like gurgling

"Cud" - normally the regurgitated grass that cows chew usually green and bubbling. Here a similar looking material was issuing from the soldier's mouth

"High zest" - idealistic enthusiasm, keenly believing in the rightness of the idea

"ardent" - keen

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

sumary taken from War Poetry